Monday, October 5, 2020





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Philomath and the status quo have not worked !

STATUS QUO with the incumbents


NEWCOMERS seeking office

INCUMBENTS seeking office and appear quite satisfied with the status quo: 
City Councilors: Ruth Causey, Matt Lehman, David Low, Matthew Thomas.
Mayor Candidate: Doug Edmonds.

NEWCOMERS seeking office and appear not satisfied with the status quo: 
City Councilor Candidates:  Jessica Andrade, Catherine Biscoe, Lawrence E. Johnson,
Jason Richards, Thomas Sullivan.
Mayor Candidate:  Chas Jones (current City Councilor)

What is the Status Quo?  Let’s examine the record of the past and current City Council

A decades long system that avoids the recognition of Goal 1 required Citizens Advisory Panel

A belief that there is enough water for current and planned development

Allowing for fire hydrants to have less than State mandated minimum water pressure for fire suppression at locations within the Cit

Approving excess housing development with an insufficient development process

Failing to allocate budget reserves to fund an estimated $14 million Water Treatment Plant 

which will now be levied against the taxpayers of Philomath

Approving development applications that will increase housing by almost 600 new homes and apartments

Approving a 167-space RV park for transient RVs who will probably not be residents, but will put immense pressure on a limited road, water and wastewater City infrastructure

Increasing the budget and salary spending year after year without increasing savings sufficiently for needed infrastructure costs

Continuing to increase water and sewer rates, putting Philomath in the top range of Benton County utility rates

Continuing to increase tax rates which keep Philomath at the highest tax rate of any comparable Oregon City, and at the highest rates in Benton County

Maintaining a closed-door policy on Citizen involvement and participation through exclusionary committees, restrictive meeting access and non-transparent governance practices.

Now Consider the priorities of the Newcomer, who like many Philomath residents are unhappy with the status quo and are advocating for change

Recognize the importance of citizen input as allowed by Oregon’s Goal 1

Believe in establishing an active Citizen’s Advisory Committee consisting of a representative sample of City residents, and households

Include in every development criteria the City’s stated and established water limitations

Review the budget with an eye to eliminating waste and excess spending

Ensure that adequate time for citizen input is established for any proposed changes and developments by holding two separate readings through proper procedure

Create an office of Citizen Ombudsperson who has real authority to advocate for City residents

Proceed methodically

Treat every dollar of taxpayer revenue with dignity and respectfully spend only as needed

Listen to the City residents

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REMEMBER, every vote counts more now than at any time in the past.  Philomath and the status quo have not worked!


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